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Million Dollar Man!

Congratulations go to Kaheem Deer, from our Levittown showroom for becoming our first $1 million designer of the year!

Well done Kaheem!

Kaheem hit the target at the end of June, and we caught up with him to hear his thoughts on hitting such a significant milestone.

“It was an amazing feeling. I was so focused on the last sale to get me over the line; it seemed like the hardest sale to get!”

“The news traveled so quickly. I wasn’t  even out the door before I was getting congratulatory phone calls and emails from colleagues. I don’t know how they found out so quickly!”

Kaheem wasn’t the only one pleased to hear the news. Levittown Manager, George Reilly had this to say to Kaheem:
“I wanted you to know how proud the whole team is on this great achievement. It has been amazing to watch the maturation process from when you first started, and see you gain so much confidence along the way. Congratulations on a job well done and well deserved!”